Consultant-trainers, submit your information here :
Tell us about your professional experience, your field, your practice of continuing education…

Application conditions :

To lead training sessions at Anugrah Academy, we require you to meet the following 3 criteria :
  • Be necessarily from the « field »
  • Practice daily in your area of expertise.
  • Already have significant teaching experience.

If you would like to join us, please fill out the form below. Our educational team will contact you if your profile matches.

Your application :

Number of days per week, on average, devoted to this activity
Les principaux domaines techniques sur lesquels vous vous positionnez

Registration form in PDF format :

You can also pre-register for this training by downloading the registration form in PDF format.

  1. Enter your information directly on the screen
  2. Print and sign the registration form
  3. Scan it and return it to the address
  4. You will receive a registration confirmation
Training courses to enter the world of work, entrepreneurship and Start-ups, with flexible training plans based on the practice of « Learning by Doing ». +213 799 254 251 +213 553 961 612
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